The Government of Senegal decided to build a Memorial, museum complex and centre for documentation and research on the west corniche in Dakar, open to the ocean, facing the Madeleines Island, just a few kilometers from the island of Gorée. This initiative received the support of the Organization for African Unity (OAU) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).


An international jury met in Dakar from 10-14 September 1997. Presided by Harry G. Robinson III (USA), UNESCO representative, the jury was composed of the following architects: Tomaz Kancler (Slovenia), Reuben Mutiso (Kenya), Suk-Won Kang (Republic of Korea) and Salah Zaky Said (Egypt), UIA representative jury and general reporter of the jury, and the following personalities: Mrs Carolyn Armenta Davis (USA), architecture critic, Mbaye Bassine Dieng, Director of Heritage and ethnographer, Landing Sane, Director of Town Planning and Architecture of Senegal and Amadou Lamine Sall, Coordinator of the Gorée Memorial Project.

290 projects were submitted to the jury for examination after the Technical Commission had submitted its report. The jury proceeded to make selections and eliminations and after deliberation and voting, it awarded three prizes and five mentions. Anonymity was lifted at the end of this final procedure.


1st Prize

Ottavio di Blasi (Milan, Italie) in collaboration with:
Paolo Simonetti, Stefano Grioni, Mauricio Cardenas, Marzia Roncoroni, architects; Gianni Perotti, Antoine Pin, journalists; Favero & Milan, Engineers.

2nd Prize

In-Bo Shim, Hideyuki Yamashita, Alan Burden (Seoul, Korea) in collaboration with: Shinya Satoh.

3rd Prize

Brandi & Partners (Gottingen, Germany), Jochen Brandi, Hailo Ostmann, Herbert Krause, architects in collaboration with Sebastian Knorr and Matthias Heidtkamp.


George Henry Chidiac and Fatina Nabil Saiklai (Beirut, Lebanon)

Véronique Jandelle, Pascaline Guillier, Alice Toulemonde (Paris, France)

Philippe Harden, Charlotte Macaux, Jean-Guillaume Mathiaut, Guillaume Rolland (Paris, France)

Torsen Brecht (Weimar, Germany), in collaboration with Gabi Hultsch, architect, Stephan Hahn sculptor, Peter Bringt, designer, Philipp Koch, sociologist.

Olivier Souquet, François Defrain (Paris, France)